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The Turn Club Mother's Day Brunch 10am Seating

Please choose the number of Adults and Children at bottom of form and step through and register and pay.

Cost:  Adults: $39.95 + $6% tax + 18% gratuity = $49.54
Children 4 to 14:  $16.95 + 6% tax + 18% gratuity = $21.02
Children 3 and under $0.00 FREE

All prices below include tax & gratutity as shown above

Seating is indoors & outdoors. *please note: if inclement weather, outdoor seating will move to the golf area.

Click on the links below to register for other seatings for Mother's Day Buffet

  11AM  |  NOON  |  1PM  |  2PM  | 3PM | 4PM

$0.95 online convenience fee added at checkout.

Indoor Seating - Number of Adults
This product is out of stock.
Indoor Bar Seating - Number of Adults (max of 10 spots)
7 available
Indoor Seating - Number of Children ages 4-14 yrs
Indoor Seating - Number of Children ages 0-3 yrs - FREE
Outdoor Seating - Number of Adults
5 available
Outdoor Bar Seating - Number of Adults (max of 4 spots)
4 available
Outdoor Seating - Number of Children ages 4-14 yrs
Outdoor Seating - Number of Children ages 0-3 yrs - FREE